
I swear I saw a pair of glowing eyes behind you at 15:27. Rewatching to make sure I'm not losing my mind.
Okay, but did anyone else notice the strange symbols on the wall at 10:15? Looked ancient… or cursed.
Bruh, at 6:23 I saw a shadow move behind you… but neither of you reacted??
I legit heard a deep breathing sound at 9:10. Tell me it was just your mic acting up…
This is the last thing I'm watching before bed… probably a mistake.
This is some legit found-footage horror vibes. Y'all are brave AF!
The way the camera blurred for a second at 5:40… like something passed in front of it. Freaky.
Rewatched that knocking sound at 12:00. It was three knocks. That's never a good sign.
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
When you said 'Did you hear that?' at 10:05, my lights flickered. I am NOT okay.
Wait… what was that THING behind you at 4:17? It moved so fast!
7:13 - why did the audio cut out for a second? Almost like something didn't want to be heard…
At 6:59, it looks like something tugs on your backpack. Please check that footage again!
Not even joking, my dog started growling at the screen around 10:50. What did you guys awaken?
15:47 - is that… a hand reaching from the darkness behind you? Someone confirm I'm not crazy.
Why did my phone volume change by itself when you heard the static at 11:10? I'm actually scared.