
The way the shadows moved at 12:34… that wasn't just your flashlight, right? RIGHT??
The way your light flickered just as that weird sound happened… classic horror movie setup. WHY DO YOU KEEP GOING??
This video unlocked a deep primal fear I didn't know I had. Thanks, I guess??
If I learned anything from horror movies, it's that once you hear a whisper in a place like that… you should NOT answer back. Y'all just summoned something.
At this point, I don't know if I'm watching a horror doc or a found footage movie. Either way… SUBSCRIBED!
Bruh, at 6:23 I saw a shadow move behind you… but neither of you reacted??
14:19 - did anyone else see that white mist move across the tunnel??
Nobody is talking about that low growl at 16:55… HELLO?
The way the camera blurred for a second at 5:40… like something passed in front of it. Freaky.
Imagine watching this and suddenly hearing the same whisper IRL. Nope, I'm out.
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
Wait… what was that THING behind you at 4:17? It moved so fast!
7:13 - why did the audio cut out for a second? Almost like something didn't want to be heard…
If a ghost ever responds to you, just run. Don't even ask questions.
At 6:59, it looks like something tugs on your backpack. Please check that footage again!
Dude, when you turned that corner at 15:20, my heart literally stopped. Too eerie!