
This is the kind of video that makes me triple-check my locks before bed. Y'all are brave (or crazy)!
I swear I saw a pair of glowing eyes behind you at 15:27. Rewatching to make sure I'm not losing my mind.
This is the last thing I'm watching before bed… probably a mistake.
That heavy breathing at 13:05 wasn't either of you, right? RIGHT?
Nobody is talking about that low growl at 16:55… HELLO?
The way the camera blurred for a second at 5:40… like something passed in front of it. Freaky.
Every horror movie starts with people doing exactly what you just did…
Imagine watching this and suddenly hearing the same whisper IRL. Nope, I'm out.
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
No one's talking about the weird whisper at 9:33… did you even hear it while recording?
Y'all ever hear of 'don't go towards the creepy noises'? No? Just me?
At 6:59, it looks like something tugs on your backpack. Please check that footage again!
Not even joking, my dog started growling at the screen around 10:50. What did you guys awaken?
The worst part is when they both go quiet at 7:30 and you just *feel* something is there.
Watching this with headphones was a mistake. That distant crying sound at 8:55??
15:47 - is that… a hand reaching from the darkness behind you? Someone confirm I'm not crazy.
Bruh, the moment your camera lost focus at 14:32… something was there.
Can we appreciate that they KEPT GOING after hearing footsteps?? I would've been OUT.