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The way the shadows moved at 12:34… that wasn't just your flashlight, right? RIGHT??
Anyone else hear that whisper at 8:42? Play it back at 0.5x speed… NOPE, I'M OUT.
At this point, I don't know if I'm watching a horror doc or a found footage movie. Either way… SUBSCRIBED!
14:19 - did anyone else see that white mist move across the tunnel??
Rewatched that knocking sound at 12:00. It was three knocks. That's never a good sign.
Imagine watching this and suddenly hearing the same whisper IRL. Nope, I'm out.
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
Wait… what was that THING behind you at 4:17? It moved so fast!
You should NOT have touched that old wooden door at 14:45. That's how horror games start.
At 6:59, it looks like something tugs on your backpack. Please check that footage again!
Am I tripping or did the walls look like they were moving slightly at 12:44?
15:47 - is that… a hand reaching from the darkness behind you? Someone confirm I'm not crazy.
Bruh, the moment your camera lost focus at 14:32… something was there.
Why did my phone volume change by itself when you heard the static at 11:10? I'm actually scared.
I paused the video at 4:21 and I swear I see something peeking from behind that doorway. Nope nope nope!