
Anyone else hear that whisper at 8:42? Play it back at 0.5x speed… NOPE, I'M OUT.
If I learned anything from horror movies, it's that once you hear a whisper in a place like that… you should NOT answer back. Y'all just summoned something.
14:19 - did anyone else see that white mist move across the tunnel??
Nobody is talking about that low growl at 16:55… HELLO?
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
When you said 'Did you hear that?' at 10:05, my lights flickered. I am NOT okay.
7:13 - why did the audio cut out for a second? Almost like something didn't want to be heard…
This video made me turn all the lights on in my house. Nope, nope, nope!
Dude, when you turned that corner at 15:20, my heart literally stopped. Too eerie!
Not even joking, my dog started growling at the screen around 10:50. What did you guys awaken?
Watching this with headphones was a mistake. That distant crying sound at 8:55??
15:47 - is that… a hand reaching from the darkness behind you? Someone confirm I'm not crazy.
Why did my phone volume change by itself when you heard the static at 11:10? I'm actually scared.