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The way the shadows moved at 12:34… that wasn't just your flashlight, right? RIGHT??
This is the kind of video that makes me triple-check my locks before bed. Y'all are brave (or crazy)!
Okay, but did anyone else notice the strange symbols on the wall at 10:15? Looked ancient… or cursed.
That heavy breathing at 13:05 wasn't either of you, right? RIGHT?
Every horror movie starts with people doing exactly what you just did…
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
When you said 'Did you hear that?' at 10:05, my lights flickered. I am NOT okay.
Dude, when you turned that corner at 15:20, my heart literally stopped. Too eerie!
Not even joking, my dog started growling at the screen around 10:50. What did you guys awaken?
Am I tripping or did the walls look like they were moving slightly at 12:44?
Watching this with headphones was a mistake. That distant crying sound at 8:55??
How come nobody's talking about that weird orb at 9:17? That was NOT dust.
This video feels cursed. My lights flickered right when you heard that knocking.
Bruh, the moment your camera lost focus at 14:32… something was there.
Can we appreciate that they KEPT GOING after hearing footsteps?? I would've been OUT.
9:01 - That was NOT an echo. That was a second voice. Who else heard it?