
I swear I saw a pair of glowing eyes behind you at 15:27. Rewatching to make sure I'm not losing my mind.
The way your light flickered just as that weird sound happened… classic horror movie setup. WHY DO YOU KEEP GOING??
That heavy breathing at 13:05 wasn't either of you, right? RIGHT?
When you turned the camera at 11:42, I swear I saw something peeking from the corner. Chills.
The way the camera blurred for a second at 5:40… like something passed in front of it. Freaky.
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
When you said 'Did you hear that?' at 10:05, my lights flickered. I am NOT okay.
Wait… what was that THING behind you at 4:17? It moved so fast!
7:13 - why did the audio cut out for a second? Almost like something didn't want to be heard…
How do y'all sleep at night after filming this??
Okay, but can we talk about how the temperature reading dropped like crazy at 8:30??
You should NOT have touched that old wooden door at 14:45. That's how horror games start.
Am I tripping or did the walls look like they were moving slightly at 12:44?
The worst part is when they both go quiet at 7:30 and you just *feel* something is there.
How come nobody's talking about that weird orb at 9:17? That was NOT dust.