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Okay, but did anyone else notice the strange symbols on the wall at 10:15? Looked ancient… or cursed.
The way the camera blurred for a second at 5:40… like something passed in front of it. Freaky.
Did anyone else get a weird headache watching the part from 7:00 to 7:30??
When you said 'Did you hear that?' at 10:05, my lights flickered. I am NOT okay.
Wait… what was that THING behind you at 4:17? It moved so fast!
How do y'all sleep at night after filming this??
You should NOT have touched that old wooden door at 14:45. That's how horror games start.
Why did the camera shake at 3:45 like someone bumped into it… but you were both standing still?
If a ghost ever responds to you, just run. Don't even ask questions.
The worst part is when they both go quiet at 7:30 and you just *feel* something is there.
Bruh, the moment your camera lost focus at 14:32… something was there.