
This is the kind of video that makes me triple-check my locks before bed. Y'all are brave (or crazy)!
I swear I saw a pair of glowing eyes behind you at 15:27. Rewatching to make sure I'm not losing my mind.
If I learned anything from horror movies, it's that once you hear a whisper in a place like that… you should NOT answer back. Y'all just summoned something.
At this point, I don't know if I'm watching a horror doc or a found footage movie. Either way… SUBSCRIBED!
Bruh, at 6:23 I saw a shadow move behind you… but neither of you reacted??
I legit heard a deep breathing sound at 9:10. Tell me it was just your mic acting up…
This is the last thing I'm watching before bed… probably a mistake.
Nobody is talking about that low growl at 16:55… HELLO?
How do y'all sleep at night after filming this??
Okay, but can we talk about how the temperature reading dropped like crazy at 8:30??
13:06 - I saw a figure in the background for a split second… please tell me I'm not the only one.
If a ghost ever responds to you, just run. Don't even ask questions.
Am I tripping or did the walls look like they were moving slightly at 12:44?
The worst part is when they both go quiet at 7:30 and you just *feel* something is there.
Can we appreciate that they KEPT GOING after hearing footsteps?? I would've been OUT.
Why did my phone volume change by itself when you heard the static at 11:10? I'm actually scared.
9:01 - That was NOT an echo. That was a second voice. Who else heard it?
I paused the video at 4:21 and I swear I see something peeking from behind that doorway. Nope nope nope!