
This is the kind of video that makes me triple-check my locks before bed. Y'all are brave (or crazy)!
I swear I saw a pair of glowing eyes behind you at 15:27. Rewatching to make sure I'm not losing my mind.
The way your light flickered just as that weird sound happened… classic horror movie setup. WHY DO YOU KEEP GOING??
At this point, I don't know if I'm watching a horror doc or a found footage movie. Either way… SUBSCRIBED!
Bruh, at 6:23 I saw a shadow move behind you… but neither of you reacted??
I legit heard a deep breathing sound at 9:10. Tell me it was just your mic acting up…
This is the last thing I'm watching before bed… probably a mistake.
Every horror movie starts with people doing exactly what you just did…
Imagine watching this and suddenly hearing the same whisper IRL. Nope, I'm out.
How do y'all sleep at night after filming this??
13:06 - I saw a figure in the background for a split second… please tell me I'm not the only one.
At 6:59, it looks like something tugs on your backpack. Please check that footage again!
Dude, when you turned that corner at 15:20, my heart literally stopped. Too eerie!
Am I tripping or did the walls look like they were moving slightly at 12:44?
Watching this with headphones was a mistake. That distant crying sound at 8:55??
Bruh, the moment your camera lost focus at 14:32… something was there.
I paused the video at 4:21 and I swear I see something peeking from behind that doorway. Nope nope nope!